LinPsk is a program for operating on digital modes running on Linux.
LinPsk supports BPSK , QPSK and RTTY at the moment.
Main features are:
- the simultaneuos decoding of up to four channels.
- The different digital modes may be mixed
- You can define a trigger on each channel to be notified if a text of your choice is detected.
- You can log each received channel at a file.
- For easy qso'ing you can define macros and for larger texts to be send you can use two files.
- You can view the signal as spectrum or in a waterfall display. Both are scalable in the frequency domain.
At the Moment RTTY only supports 45 baud and 1.5 stopbits.
You can download the latest version of LinPsk from
Istarted with LinPsk on a Pentium with 133 MHz and 32 Mb Ram. Perhaps it still
works on a Pentium 90 , but I have not had the chance to try.
Meanwhile I use a AMD Duron , 600 Mhz with 128 MB Ram for developing and testing.
- Besides Automake and autoconf Qt 2.x has to be installed.
Qt 3.x will not work at the moment.
- A soundcard and the related Opensound Driver must be installed. If you
only want to have a look at the demo mode ,there is no need for a soundcard.
- LinPsk uses /dev/audio for contacting the soundcard. This special file
normally exists, otherwise you have to make a link.